Hyundai UF Series
Perc Shingled Technology with high efficiency
Superior temperature Coefficient
Built tough and tested under harsh conditions
Extremely compact panel – 1646mm High
25-year product warranty on materials and workmanship (Australia and EU only)

Increased Shade Tolerance
Reduced hot spot risk
Reduced risk of mirco-cracks
Unique visual appearance
About Hyundai
Hyundai is one of the biggest consumer brand names in the world and have been installing Solar Panels in Australia for over 10 years. Hyundai Energy Solutions is a Blue Chip Solar Panel manufacturer. Hyundai pride themselves on providing high quality PV products. By purchasing a well known consumer brand, you’re making a safer investment for the long term.
Hyundai’s UF series shingled cell panels are rated up to 400W and are the most efficient offering, with a maximum panel efficiency of 21.3%. Interestingly, they are based on the smaller, older generation M# or 158.75mm cell size using 10 strings of 36 cells instead of the larger cells 166mm and 182mm cells used by most competing manufacturers.
25 Year Product Warranty
Hyundai Energy Solutions have a market leading product warranty for our heavy duty solar panels.
Mechanical Strength
Tempered glass and reinforced frame designed to withstand rigorous weather conditions.
Solar Panel Validation Initiative
All of Hyundai's panels meet the standards for the Australian Government Initiative.
UL/VDE Test Labs
Hyundai's Research and Development Centre is an accredited test Laboratory of both UL and VDE global safety certifications.
Shingled cell technology
Shingled cell panels have been available for over 5 years and are proven to be a reliable cell format. They have been adopted by a number of well known companies over the years, including one of the worlds leading solar power manufacturers, Sunpower. This technology uses the same monocrystalline silicon wafers used in common solar cells, arranged in a unique overlapping format.
Shingled cells are made by dividing a full-size cell into five strips with each section being one fifth the size of full cell. The narrow cell strips are assembled into long strings of 34 – 40 cells, depending on panel size, resulting in similar strong voltages at a fifth of the electrical current. Lowering string current reduces the resistance and operating temperature, reducing the risk of hot spots and micro-cracks.
Hyundai Warranty
Hyundai has a leading 25-year product warranty which is line with some of the best solar panel manufacturers including Sunpower, LG and REC, whilst most other manufacturers offer a 10 to 15-year product warranty.
The product warranty for all Hyundai shingled cell panels covers all material or processing defects including PID (potential induced degradation).
The 25 years limited linear performance warranty – Guarantees at least 98% of the nominal power within the first year. Thereafter, power output will not decrease more than 0.55% per year. Therefore, minimal nominal rated power after 25 years is at least 84.8%.